Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How Far Back Does Wicca And The Practice Of Wiccan Spells Go.

I was reading this article and I was surprised at what I found. Wicca and the practice of wiccan spells have been around since the dawn of time, or at least different variations of the religion. I knew that the belief in many gods were practiced by many, but I was surprised to see Adolf Hitler’s name while searching for information about Wicca, it seems that the more I search the more I’m amazed. I can’t believe the origin and the history behind it all. The swastika is used in many different cultures and religions, but because of Hitler would you really want to display it.

For a different view on the Swastika click on the link below.

“Wicca, along with the rebirth of such ancient nature religions such as Druidism, is at the forefront of the modern Green movement. According to Catherine Sanders, author of Wicca’s Charm”
"Since Wiccans essentially deify the earth, a key element of Wicca is having a positive impact on the environment. Wiccans have become active in environmental circles, and I discovered that many Wiccans had been spiritual seekers or were raised as Christians but felt that the Church had little to say about the care of the environment."

For the source of his article click on the link below.

Wicca and Witchcraft has gotten such a bad name through out history. Even in the modern world people who practice Wicca and wiccan spells are misunderstood. TV, books and magazines paint an evil picture of witchcraft and Wicca, Christianity didn’t help the cause either. To each their own as long as no one gets hurt, but that is not the case within the Witchcraft community. It has a violent history, the burning of witches is only one of the unspeakable acts that witches had to endure.

For some cool information and some cool wiccan spells click on the link below.

Until next time…

Brian Cote

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wiccan Spells: Wiccan Spells and The Wiccan’s Familiar

What role do familiars play in Wiccan spells? First allow me to explain what a familiar is. Familiars are mystical beings that can assume one physical form or another, or who remain in the non-physical (astral) form. They could manifest in the form of a cat, a dog or even a mouse, but bear in mind that not every familiar is a household pet and not every household pet is a familiar!

These beings, regardless of outward appearance, provide psychic guidance and companionship to the Wiccan practitioner during both spell casting and beyond. They are, however, more than just an instrument for Wiccan magic. The relationship between Wiccan and familiar is unlike any other. It‘s transcendental, telepathic, unbreakable. Just as dogs are considered man’s best friend, so can the familiar be viewed as Wiccan’s best friend.

Sadly, these poor creatures have gained a somewhat unfavorable reputation as being demonic, shapeshifting beasts spawned from hell and sent to wreak havoc upon mankind. For the few who embrace this distorted point of view, the line between fact and fiction is much too blurred. Such perspectives are based more on folklore than reality.

Overcoming a fear of the unknown isn’t easy, but being receptive to new and different ideas brings clarity of vision. Open minds need apply, Wiccan spells not required.

To read the source of this article click the link below.


Until next time,

Leah Cote

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wiccan Spells: Wiccan Traditions and Wiccan Spells

Wicca is more than a culture of rituals, sabbats and Wiccan spells. It is a belief, a tradition, a way of life. In this case, the word ‘tradition’ refers to the many different Wiccan covens that can be found all over the world today. These covens are branches, or subdivisions of the notable Gardenarian Tradition, which was founded in the 1950s by British public servant and avid occultist, Gerald Brousseau Gardner. He was to later became known as the “Father of Modern Wicca”.

Every tradition is unique in that each has its own distinctive set of fundamental belief and practices. Even so, many, if not most, steadfastly uphold the customs of their predecessors. In other words, they preserve the old culture in a modern fashion.

Is one tradition better than the other? In a word, no. Each has so much to offer and from a different perspective, so it is up to the individual seeker to decide which tradition’s principles most closely resembles their own. You could draw upon the knowledge of one group or from many groups. That decision is completely up to you.

Whichever road you choose, go with an open mind, a pure heart and a desire for spiritual growth. There is much to learn and share, new friends to meet and many, many possibilities.

Lastly, always remember the threefold rule when casting Wiccan spells: "Ever mind the Rule of Three, three times what thou givest returns to thee, this lesson well, thou must learn, thee only gets what thou dost earn".

To read the source of this article click the links below.



Until next time,

Leah Cote

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Wiccan Spells: Wiccan Spells and The Laws of The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede was created to express the moral code of the Wiccan religion whether casting Wiccan spells or not. There are certain rules of ethical and social responsibility that some, but not all, Wiccan practitioners abide by. These rules are not meant to hinder the expression of personal beliefs, but rather to guard against Wicca’s possible misuse. Remember, the ultimate goal when practicing the craft is to harmonize oneself with the wheel of life and the environment, not exploit it for evil purposes.

It’s important to note that the key purpose of the Wiccan rede is to communicate that it is acceptable to do as one wishes as long as no one, themselves included, is hurt in the process. This very much pertains to the casting of spells as well as other areas of one‘s life. Each spell cast must conform to the code of the Wiccan rede. To use magick to influence, control, or otherwise injure another is strictly forbidden; any bidding, positive or negative, will be returned threefold. John J. Coughlin, author and practitioner of the Occult Arts stated that " . . . there is a literal reward or punishment tied to one's actions, particularly when it comes to working magic”.

Even so, adhering to the standards specified in the Wiccan rede does not automatically make one perfect. Every living soul has made a mistake at one time or another. It is what makes us human. Just as there are people who are morally honest, there are those who are equally dishonest, and the Wiccan follower is not exempt. They are not immune to the same imperfections of human nature that affect us all.

Whether in the case of Wiccan spells or just everyday life, the concept of the Wiccan rede is pretty straightforward; be kind to yourself and others and the rest is easy, so to speak.

To read the source of this article click the links below.



Until next time,

Leah Cote

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wiccan Spells: The Few Who Ruin It For The Many.

Many people believe in Wicca and love casting Wiccan spells, but there is always good and bad in everything. The few always ruin it for the many. I was reading a shocking, but not so surprising article about a couple who practiced Wicca. They’re being accused of using drugs and witchcraft to lure an underage teen girl into having sex. The couple also faces similar charges.

The reason I say shocking, but not so surprising is because if you look back at some of the top news stories within the past five years alone, you would be shocked! How many articles or news broadcasts are about priests molesting children, or teachers molesting children? Or about fathers, uncles and family friends molesting children? These individuals are all bad people, all of them from priests to family friends. There are no grey areas, but if a Wiccan is accused of this crime, it’s because of his wicked Wiccan ways and his evil Wiccan spells. If a priest is accused of this same crime, he’s misguided. Society makes the rules, not me.

This is a perfect example of the few who ruin it for the many. Wicca is a religion not an evil cult like many are lead to believe. Don’t be afraid of what you don’t understand, learn more about it before you pass judgment. Wiccan beliefs are incredible and fascinating. Wiccans are very peaceful, one with nature. What this couple did breaks the Wiccan laws, just like it breaks society’s laws. People who believe in Wicca and casting Wiccan spells aren’t evil; they are human as we all are.

For the original article click on the Link of Gloom below

Until next time!

Brian Cote

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Wiccan Spells, A Wicked Wiccan Poem

Wiccan spells cast for you. If you truly believe, they will come true.

The book of shadows, filled with so much. Which spell will work?

Which one has the right touch?

Cast your spell, cast it with care. Feel the magick energy flow through

the air.

If you open your mind and open your heart, love all creation, it’s a

great place to start.

Sabbat, Rituals and the witches wheel. You don’t have to believe, I

know it’s real.

Wind and air, fire and earth. Love Mother Nature, love mother earth.

Witchcraft and Wicca they’re almost the same, but unfortunately

Witchcraft got a bad name.

Witchcraft is the mother, Wicca the child. Just open your mind for a

little while.

So, open your mind and let the joy begin.

Open your heart Wicca’s not a sin.

Until next time...

Brian Cote

Brian Cote is an avid enthusiast of Wiccan spells and Wicca.

Copyright 2007 Brian Cote

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wiccan Spells:The Truth About Wicca, Witches And Wiccan Spells.

The truth about Wicca, Witches and Wiccan spells. Many people have a fear of Wiccans and Witches because of what they’ve seen on TV, or the stories they’ve heard. Many people think that Wiccans and Witches are evil cults who worship the devil, but that's just not true. Wicca is a religion, a belief in the One, not an evil cult sacrificing people and animals at the altar. That defies everything Wiccans believe in.

Wiccans believe in God and Goddess, Peace and Harmony and they practice rituals, meditation and Wiccan spells. They believe they are one with nature and everything in it. They live a very peaceful and harmonious life. Wiccan followers are not so narrow minded as to think that wicca is the only path to follow, however they believe it is the path for them.

The article, “Before time was” written by Scott Cunningham is a great explanation of what wiccans truly belief in.

You can read the full article here http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/before.htm, I am sure that you will find it really interesting.

Until next time!

Brian Cote

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wiccan Spells: My Search For Knowledge About Wicca and The Practice Of Wiccan Spells.

The more I search for the true origin of Wicca and the practice of Wiccan spells, the more I realize how endless the search truly is. The information I’ve found is incredible and extremely fascinating. I have learned so much about Wicca, Pagans, Witches and Witchcraft and this is only 4 topics of so many I’ve found on my journey. I’m kind of goofy. I call my search “Journey to The Core”

Here are a few more cool phrases you can learn about, Sabbats and the wheel of the year. What are Sabbats, what do they have to do with Wicca and how do they effect Wiccan spells? Sabbats are Wicca holidays or festivals of celebration, the eightfold festival. The wheel of the year also known as the eight fold wheel of the year. What the hell is the wheel of the year? It’s a calendar of seasons.

Another really cool Link to Enlightenment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year

"T'was on the May Day morning that we all got up at dark,
To welcome in the daybreak with a frolic in the park.
They told us that this was the point the god conceived a son
But the thing which just confused me was that dad and child were one."

Here is another cool “Link To Enlightenment” www.manygods.org.uk/articles/essays/wheel.html

Whether you practice Wicca and cast Wiccan spells. Or just thirst for knowledge, it doesn’t matter. You just have to have an open mind. The one thing I truly can guaranty you, no matter what you read about while researching Wicca. You truly will find it fascinating, border line breath taking, so why hesitate start your journey today. I hope you find all your answers.

Until next time!

Brian Cote

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Brief overview of Wicca

By: Tasha Palladino

When witchcraft is practiced as a religion, it is called by the Old English term for witch, Wicca. This term is used to counter all the negative stereotypes that society has given witchcraft. Wicca is primarily a religion that worships nature, and sees all creation as sacred. In fact, all Wiccan holy days follow the cycles of nature and the changes in the seasons. Wicca also worships both a male and female deity, a female Goddess and a male God, who had together created the world and everything in it.

Witchcraft is neither black nor white. Witchcraft is a religion that respects Mother Nature and She is neither completely positive or completely negative, this is the same for witches.

Spells are used by Wiccans, and are a series of rituals and prayers that are conducted in witchcraft to ask for divine help in a certain aspect of life. All spells must adhere to the witchcraft code of conduct, meaning that any spells used to harm another person is forbidden. In witchcraft, spells may also be changed or adapted to suit a Wiccan's personality or specific wishes in casting the spell.

What exactly is witchcraft, spells, and magick?

Twenty years ago, I asked myself those same questions, and I'm still learning the answers. My journey started at 15 years of age, with a very understanding mother and a visit to New Age Shop. I remember entering the shop with a sense of awe, and instantly being put at ease by a wonderfully sweet aroma that hung over the bookcases. Yet, out of all the potions, oils, and books that filled the place, the one thing that stood out to me the most was the man behind the counter. He looked more like George Clooney than something out of Halloween Fairytales, and that was my first lesson. Witches look just like everyone else. Of course you may run into the occasional witch who looks more fiction than fact but other than those, most are just your average Joe, the majority tend to choose to blend in as much as possible. Why? Not everyone is armed with 21st century thinking, and in some cases, witches are put into the same category as Satanists, heathens, and just generally bad people.

I eventually took more interest in magick, oh and not my spelling of magick. Witches refer to spells and divine help as magick, not to be confused with magic, which we consider to be what you would see at a show, a magician sawing a woman in half, card tricks, etc.. Magick, however, is sacred to all Wiccans. Ah yes, back to my story, I eventually took more interest in magic and at the age of 35 purchased an old building in New Jersey and turned into one of the state's only Wiccan Temples. I currently live at home with my two wonderful children and my familiar (husband as most people call it) enjoying life and being at one with nature. I currently make a living supporting my family by offering services at my temple and through my website www.witchcraftspellsnow.com.

About the Author:

My name is Tasha Palladino and I have been a witch for 20 years. I hope this article helps anyone who is curious about Wicca. Currently, I own Ill-Alli Temple in Northeastern USA and own a witchcraft spells site, WitchcraftSpellsNow.com.

Witchcraft - Wicca, Spells, And Magick.
Article Distribution by www.reprint-content.com

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